Roll the Dice: A Guide to Online Craps

AlienBet Casino

It's widely agreed that craps is one of the most thrilling and energetic casino games out there. The tables are usually full of enthusiastic players cheering and hoping for a lucky streak. But if you're not a fan of crowds, don't worry - you can play craps online and avoid them completely.

About Craps

Initially, craps was a popular street game for leisure time. Later, during World War II, the street version of craps gained popularity among soldiers as well. Now craps has evolved into a game enjoyed by millions - both online and in personal. The game uses two six-sided dice and has many different betting options. You can bet for or against the person throwing the dice, choose to make one or multiple bets, and pick your own numbers or let the roll of the dice decide. With so many strategies available, there are plenty of opportunities to win big. When playing Craps, you can either place a bet on a single number and win or lose on every roll, or you can make a more complicated bet by waiting for the shooter to roll a "point" number and hoping they can roll that same number again on subsequent rolls. This process can continue for multiple rolls.

Why Go Online?

There are many reasons why players choose to get their thrills behind a computer or phone screen versus trekking over to the local casino. Perhaps the biggest reason to play online is due to the sheer volume of choices; you can access thousands of casinos and craps games at your fingertips versus driving from casino to casino looking for the right place for you. Not only that, but you can kiss rowdy crowds goodbye and just focus on what counts: the game.

There are other reasons, too. Many players enjoy how they can bet much smaller amounts. At online casinos, you can start betting at just $1, while at traditional casinos, the limits are generally much higher (which means you become vulnerable to losing much greater amounts). While some players may dislike not having physical contact with the dice, this small hiccup usually fades from being a problem after a few rounds at the digital table.

How To Play Craps Online

To begin playing craps online, start by finding a suitable casino. Once you have found a casino, register for an account. This is typically free, and any money you deposit may be matched with a usually generous welcome bonus. There are so many online casinos out there that if you prefer a casino that presents huge upfront bonuses, you'll certainly be able to prioritize it. After registering, make a deposit and claim any available bonuses. Depending on the casino, there may be a variety of bonuses to choose from - not just welcome bonuses but no deposit bonuses, too. Next, navigate to the game library and select "craps." Place your bets, collect your winnings, and enjoy your payout.

Prior to starting a game of craps, it is important for every player to have a well-thought-out plan. This plan should consider various factors, including which strategy to utilize, like lay bets, hop bets, and the iron cross. Consider risks involved with each method, the odds, and the significance of your bankroll for each strategy.

Choose The Right Casino For You

It's vital to do your due research when finding a casino to play at. Make sure the casino is reputable by looking at their reviews and understanding their fine print. You also may want to look at the speed of payouts and the minimum payout amount.